LaM sEm
1st December Boy =D
Posted by LaM sEm on 9:37 PM
1st of December 2007 today is the best birthday celebration I ever experienced! Thanks to those who were present today. Special thanks to Miss Jessie (For your wonderful cake + toblerones!!), Miss Yen Nee (For your valueable present I will really appreaciate it!), Ivan (Thank you so much for everything that you've done including being my good heng dai and taking pictures!I really appreciate what you've done brother!), Novianto (Thanks for helping me all along), Wei Mun (For being supportive), KK (For being my good heng dai), Joe (For being my good heng dai), Esther (For being my good chi mui!). I will always remember today and remember you guys! THANKS! As for now I guess I shall post some pictures of us having fun in Wong Kok!!!Miss Jessie and Miss Yen Nee taking their sweet time choosing their food xD
Being the spoiler me..haha!
K time to be normal. Sry for ma fan-ing you Ivan!
Joe joe joe... You cant run away from Ivan one la..Dun be so rude..xD
Still evading....
See! Eventually you cant run away! xD
Cake from Miss Jessie! Was for all of us. Thank you Miss!!
Dun distract me!!!xD
K a normal pose =)
See how much left for me! Uhhh
Ok la last bite...ahhh..xD
Look at me struggling to finish the cake..xD
Finish the drink!RAWR
The video taken during the "sing song session"
Thanks guys! I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all again! I know I am greedy. I made a few wishes.These are my wishes... First of all I hope our friendship will last forever refering to all my heng daiz (Quan Xiong, Wei Mun, WW, Sebastian, Terence, Joe, Ivan, Bing, KK, Yu Yong, Yu Sing,and Novianto). Second, good luck to all of you in your studies especially those taking Diploma Project next year! Thirdly, I would like to thank all the lecturers for being so good and tolerant towards me and good luck to all of you! If you all do read my blog especially Miss Yen Nee ^^. Lastly, most important is happiness and safety of my family. Thank you guys for a wonderful day! Ohh one last message....Gam Ba Teh Ivan!! You know wat I mean one ler =)